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- <text>
- <title>
- (1982) Beirut Goes Up In Flames
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1982 Highlights
- </history>
- <link 00210><article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- August 16, 1982
- Beirut Goes Up in Flames
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p>With bombs and rockets, the Israelis tighten the noose on the
- P.L.O.
- </p>
- <p> ...Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, and the walls came
- tumbling down.
- </p>
- <p> All across West Beirut, hour after hour, came the shattering
- detonations in crowded city streets, the crump, crump, crump of
- exploding bombs and shells, and then, after the brilliant
- flashed of red, the rising clouds of destruction.
- </p>
- <p> The Israeli government insisted that it was not "the real
- thing"--the long-threatened Israeli invasion of the battered
- enclave of the capital by the sea. But to the 500,000 residents
- of West Beirut, as well as to the 6,000 Palestinian fighters
- hidden among them, it was as close to total onslaught as anyone
- could imagine. Twice last week the Israelis staged attacks on
- the besieged western areas of Beirut that in sheer destructive
- power, though not in casualties, wreaked devastation that
- stirred memories of the punishment inflected on European cities
- during World War II and recalled the fat of Jericho, the enemy
- city that the ancient Israelites had laid waste. One observer,
- studying the wreckage, cited the sardonic words of a soldier
- quoted by the Roman historian Tacitus: "They made a desert and
- called it peace."
- </p>
- <p> Lebanese authorities announced that the Israeli attacks on West
- Beirut, where only one in about 80 people is a Palestinian
- guerrilla, had killed 400 to 500 civilians and wounded 1,000
- more, the heaviest casualty toll since the invasion began on
- June 6. After a brief cease-fire, some 10,000 Lebanese streamed
- out of the target area, wending their way through streets filled
- with debris and smoldering ruins, and found refuse in East
- Beirut or outside the city. The Israeli attacks, which aroused
- wide opposition around the world, came just as U.S. Special
- Envoy Philip Habib reportedly was on the verge of working out
- an agreement for the Palestine Liberation Organization to
- evacuate Lebanon. The assaults also angered Egypt's President
- Hosni Mubarak and thus jeopardized any resumption of the Camp
- David talks with Israel in search of a long-term settlement of
- the Palestinian issue.
- </p>
- <p> In a sense, the clash between the Israelis and the P.L.O.
- seemed inevitable, given the implacable hatred and deep
- suspicion between the two old enemies and the nature of the
- stalemate in West Beirut. The Israelis, who had hoped for a
- quick victory over the redoubts of the P.L.O. in Lebanon, were
- impatient and angry. They did not believe that the P.L.O.
- leadership had yet accepted the fact it must leave Lebanon. They
- were furious at U.S. insistence that they must ease up on West
- Beirut at precisely the time when they thought sustained
- pressure on the P.L.O. was most needed. The P.L.O., more
- desperate than ever before, was negotiating the terms of its
- withdrawal from Lebanon. But the organization was also hoping
- that international condemnation of Israeli actions in Lebanon
- would give it a little breathing room.
- </p>
- <p> By week's end the Israeli forces had strengthened their grip on
- the southern sector of West Beirut, where most of the P.L.O.
- guerrillas are believed to be based. Some authorities, noting
- the intensity of last week's military action, thought the
- Israelis had abandoned the idea of an all-out onslaught on West
- Beirut in favor of a series of limited attacks aimed at
- defeating the P.L.O. guerrillas step by step. In the Habib
- negotiations, many details concerning the P.L.O. sent Habib a
- new set of proposals that seemed promising. President Reagan
- asked Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to withdraw Israeli
- forces to the positions they had held the previous week and to
- maintain a cease-fire long enough to allow Habib to work out an
- agreement. But the Israelis refused to pull back, either
- because they doubted the good faith of the P.L.O. in the
- negotiations or because they were determined to score further
- gains against the P.L.O. before world pressure obliged them to
- accept some sort of settlement.
- </p>
- <p> The week of action began on Sunday with a large-scale Israeli
- attack. For 14 hours Israeli forces bombarded West Beirut with
- the fiercest shelling since the Israeli invasion of Lebanon
- began. Israeli artillery, warplanes and gunboats struck at wide
- sections of West Beirut, including many districts that contained
- few guerrillas and indeed hardly any Palestinians.
- </p>
- <p> After the ferocity of the Sunday attack and the worldwide
- condemnation that it produced, many diplomats in Lebanon
- expected a few days of respite. They were wrong. On Tuesday,
- reported reached West Beirut that the Israelis were massing
- tanks and armored personnel carriers at various points near the
- port and along the Green Line separating Muslim West Beirut and
- predominantly Christian East Beirut. The attack began at
- midnight Tuesday with exchanges of artillery and tank fire, and
- increased in intensity. By 2 a.m. the entire city rocked to the
- sound of the big guns.
- </p>
- <p> In the Wednesday attack, the Israelis made four separate
- thrusts. One jabbed at the site of the Lebanese National Museum.
- As tanks rumbled up, ominously gunning their engines, the
- Israelis used loudspeakers to urge civilians to flee for their
- lives. The tanks surged on to attack the Hippodrome, a race
- track in a once elegant park, dominated by pine trees. Israeli
- M-48 Patton tanks lined up on the border of the park, and troops
- seized nearby high-rise buildings. The assault blocked the
- P.L.O.'s access to ammunition depots and nearby bunkers, and
- gave the Israelis a staging area for future operations.
- </p>
- <p> Israeli tanks also spearheaded the attack against the Beirut
- port region in the north of the city, but the real drive came
- from the south. Pushing north from International Airport, which
- they had seized three days earlier, the Israelis went on to take
- the P.L.O. military stronghold inside the Ouzai area and
- surround the Burj al Barajneh refugee camp. "From here the road
- is open to the main P.L.O. stronghold at Fakhani," said a
- paratrooper colonel. The area contains most of the P.L.O.'s main
- headquarters, including that of Chairman Yasser Arafat. The
- fourth thrust moved from East Beirut through Taiuni toward the
- important refugee camp of Shatila. The overall Israeli strategy
- appeared to be a pincer movement, driving west and north.
- </p>
- <p> The extent of the Israeli attack seemed to stun some units of
- the P.L.O., although others fought back valiantly. Noting that
- P.L.O. counterfire was becoming sporadic, an Israeli general
- told TIME Correspondent David Halevy, "I hope they are close to
- the breaking point."
- </p>
- <p> Until last week, most of the Israeli attacks had been
- concentrated on Fakhani, the Palestinian refugee camps and the
- southern suburbs. But now Israeli artillery and gunboats sent
- round after round crashing into Hamra, the downtown section of
- West Beirut, where the P.L.O. has no military positions except
- for mobile rockets and artillery pieces in the streets. As
- buildings sagged and crumbled, fires raged out of control. There
- was no water to help quench the flames; the Israelis had shut
- off the flow.
- </p>
- <p> The Israelis claimed that they were making every effort to
- avoid civilian casualties. According to one senior Israeli
- officer, his orders were to search and destroy the enemy but to
- avoid civilian casualties by any means. Nonetheless, the
- Wednesday assault was seemingly designed to intimidate the
- civilian population. Shells fell everywhere. People fled by the
- thousands to basement shelters. A few were bombed out twice in
- one day, first from their own homes and then from the homes of
- friends. The below-ground coffee shop of the elegant Bristol
- Hotel was filled with refugees until the hotel was shelled and
- fire broke out on the upper floors. Patients from some parts of
- the American University Hospital had to be carried to the
- basement because the building was being hit. Later the
- hospital, its wards overflowing with the wounded, sent out
- appeals for gasoline to run its generators.
- </p>
- <p> Countless buildings in the Hamra area were badly damaged,
- including the Information Ministry and the headquarters of An
- Nahar, the newspaper of record for the entire Arab world. Last
- week, on its 50th anniversary, it was unable to publish for the
- first time. Inside the An Nahar building, the offices of several
- American news organizations, including United Press
- International, Newsweek and the Los Angeles Times, were damaged
- or destroyed by phosphorus bombs. In late afternoon, Israeli
- artillery fire hit the Commodore Hotel, where many foreign
- correspondents were staying.
- </p>
- <p> Living conditions in the besieged city were worse than ever.
- There has been no electricity since the Israelis switched it off
- on July 26, cutting the water supply at the same time. The water
- was briefly turned on again, though this did not help apartment
- dwellers; the electrically powered pumps would not work. New
- wells were being dug all over the city, and trucks carrying
- water toured every district. Much of the water was unclean and
- carried with it a risk of typhoid and cholera, according to U.N.
- health officials. People had little choice but to drink it
- anyway. Fresh fruit and vegetables were no longer available,
- flour was in short supply, and lines formed at dawn outside
- shops that were lucky enough to have any bread to sell. The
- siege came at the height of the torrid Mediterranean summer,
- increasing the general distress. When available at all, a $3
- case of bottled water was selling for $10. The Palestinian
- guerrillas were less affected by the food shortage than the
- general population because they had built up their own supplies.
- </p>
- <p> The Israeli cutoff of food and water was presumably aimed at
- heightening the tension between the local populace and the
- commandos. Instead, for the moment at least, the attack seemed
- merely to make the civilians angrier at the Israelis. A Lebanese
- woman, Mrs. Ihsan al Sirhi, stood in the shattered lobby of what
- had been her apartment house. The day before, her husband and
- one daughter had been killed in an Israeli raid. Tears streaming
- down her cheeks, she told a foreign journalist, "My daughter,
- my husband, blown up, dead. Thirty years of work wiped out. But
- God help me, they will pay for it. They took Palestine and now
- they have taken Lebanon. Where is there any justice?"
- </p>
- <p> On Boustany Street in the Arab University area, Usama Zein sat
- in front of his small grocery store. The street was a littler
- of debris; power lines were done, apartments lay open to the
- sun, and the street was filled with rubble. Usama Zein said that
- about a quarter of the people in the neighborhood were still
- there, tucked away somewhere in the destroyed buildings, trying
- to survive. "Where else can we go?" he asked. "At first, some
- of us went to the schools for shelter, but then the schools were
- hit. So we thought, well, if we have to die, we should die at
- home."
- </p>
- <p> Out of hundreds of shops along the much bombed Corniche Mazraa,
- only the Idriss grocery store was open for business. The
- manager, Ahmed Lebdi, explained that on days when there was no
- shelling he tried to stay open for several hours. "Most of what
- we sell now is canned because there is no refrigeration," he
- said. "We have no milk, no bottled water. I don't know what
- we'll do. But I'll stay open."
- </p>
- <p> At Zaidanieh, in the heart of the Sunni section of West Beirut,
- the atmosphere was one of defiance. A resident declared angrily,
- "Let Israel come. We know the Israelis are stronger, but we will
- win." He then took a visitor to his nearby home and showed him
- 15 rocket-propelled grenades that were lined up on a spare bed.
- </p>
- <p> To people who have known Beirut in the past, the devastated city
- if an appalling sight. There is practically no vehicular
- traffic because there is no gasoline; the price of a five-gallon
- can reached $80 some weeks ago, and then the gas ran out. In
- Fakhani, almost every large building has suffered some damage.
- The sports stadium is smashed and the airport badly damaged;
- burned-out skeletons of jetliners sprawl on the tarmac.
- </p>
- <p> The fighting jeopardized anew the negotiations led by U.S.
- Special Envoy Habib to get the P.L.O. peacefully out of the
- country. Clouding the diplomatic proceedings from the beginning
- has been the basis mistrust between the Israeli and the P.L.O.
- leaders, a wariness that has made the talks difficult and
- sporadic fighting all but a certainty. P.L.O. fears have been
- reinforced by the fact that there have been at least four
- attempts on Arafat's life within the past six weeks. Two
- operations centers were bombed shortly after Arafat visited
- them. Last Friday an Israeli jet attacked an eight-story
- apartment building in the Saneyeh district of West Beirut,
- killing or injuring 250 people. Contrary to reports, the
- building had not been used as an Arafat headquarters, although
- it did house the family of Arafat's chief personal bodyguard.
- A short while later, a car bomb exploded near by. P.L.O. leaders
- were convinced that the Israelis were closely following Arafat's
- movements and trying to kill him before the crisis in Lebanon
- had been resolved.
- </p>
- <p> In this atmosphere of mutual suspicion, Israeli policy about
- Lebanon was two-pronged. First, Jerusalem would cooperate, to
- a degree, with the Habib negotiations, especially since the
- Reagan Administration was so committed to the talks. Second,
- Prime Minister Begin's government would periodically apply heavy
- military pressure on P.L.O. positions in West Beirut in order
- to remind the Palestinian leaders that they only choice was to
- leave Lebanon. Israeli officials declared that these
- "salami-style" maneuvers of slicing away at the Palestinian
- redoubt in West Beirut would be conducted only in response to
- P.L.O. cease-fire violations. But there were bound to be
- violations, as the Israelis well knew, because the P.L.O. is
- made up of so many factions, often at odds with one another.
- Further, the Israelis flatly admitted that, as always, they
- reserved the right to make a hugely disproportionate response
- to P.L.O. attacks.
- </p>
- <p> Even so, the Israelis were concerned last week that the U.S.
- would feel that their attack on West Beirut was a punishment
- that did not fit whatever crime the P.L.O. may have committed.
- Major General Menachem Meron, Israel's senior military attache
- in Washington, called in reporters to try to claim that the
- Wednesday assault on West Beirut was aimed only at rooting out
- P.L.O. gunners who were firing on Israeli troops. But Meron had
- told the same reporters two months earlier that Israeli forces
- would go no deeper than 25 miles into Lebanon. When bluntly
- asked why reporters should believe him this time, the general
- replied, "That is a political questions, and I will not answer
- political questions."
- </p>
- <p> Joining the effort to down-play the assault on West Beirut,
- Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, architect of the Lebanese
- invasion, complained to the U.S. Government about Habib's
- reports to Washington that Israel was firing 1,000 shells into
- West Beirut for every shell fired by the Palestinians. Sharon
- denounced such accounts as "mendacious' and said that they were
- based on observations from afar.
- </p>
- <p> As it happened, Sharon had special reason to be sensitive to
- criticism. According to reports from Jerusalem, the Begin
- government failed to consult or inform either the Israeli
- Cabinet or the ministerial defense committee of the plan for the
- Wednesday assault on West Beirut. At a Thursday-night Cabinet
- meeting, some ministers asked who had approved the operation and
- when this had been done. Prime Minister Begin, regarding the
- inquiries as a personal attack, angrily attempted to justify the
- military action. He also admitted that the decision had been
- made by Sharon and himself at a private meeting. Said Begin:
- "Even David Ben-Gurion had to make decisions of the same nature
- on his own." The explanation caused speculation among some
- Israelis that Begin and Sharon, fearing a defeat of the assault
- plan at the Cabinet level, had simply decided to proceed on
- their own. It also strengthened the view that Sharon enjoys too
- much power within the Begin government. Remarked a senior U.S.
- diplomat: "We are beginning to wonder if the political
- leadership in Jerusalem is being manipulated by the military."
- Said an Israeli Labor Party leader of the ambitious Sharon:
- "He has discovered completely the potentials of power, but he
- has not yet discovered its limitations."
- </p>
- <p> Ironically, the attacks on West Beirut came just as Habib
- thought that his peacemaking mission was on the brink of
- success. Early last week a Habib aide placed what State
- Department officials termed a "euphoric" call to Washington.
- Habib, who had been repeatedly in touch with the P.L.O. through
- his Lebanese intermediaries, sent home a cable that was a bit
- more cautious, indicating considerable optimism but noting that
- there were still t's to be crossed and i's to be dotted." Even
- so, declared one top State Department official, "we had 95% and
- only needed a couple of more days to get 100%"
- </p>
- <p> But the Israelis belittled Habib's overtures. To members of
- Begin's Cabinet, the envoy's letter was couched in precisely the
- same vague diplomatese that has come to infuriate the Israelis
- in their dealings with the American. Habib's letter was peppered
- with such phrases as "I have reason to believe" and "We can
- assume," according to an Israeli official familiar with its
- contents. Begin even quoted some of the phrases in his letter
- to President Reagan to show his skepticism about the Habib
- mission. With all its hedges, Habib's proposal seemingly
- reinforced the growing Israeli conviction that diplomacy was
- becoming useless in coping with the P.L.O.
- </p>
- <p> Jerusalem was also hostile to U.N. efforts. Israeli troops
- simply turned back a convoy of U.N. observers who had arrived
- at the outskirts of Beirut in an effort to carry out a Security
- Council resolution instructing them to take up positions in the
- Lebanese capital.
- </p>
- <p> The next day Begin said that U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez
- de Cuellar would not be welcome to visit Jerusalem if he went
- through with a plan to meet with P.L.O. Chairman Yasser Arafat.
- Still later in the week, when the Security Council debated a
- resolution to condemn Israel for defying previous U.N. demands
- on Lebanon, Israeli Ambassador Yehuda Blum got into an angry
- argument with Soviet Ambassador Richard Ovinnikov. The Soviet
- diplomat told the council that his government favored "severe
- action" against Israel because it was "imperative that Beirut
- not join the list of cities such as Warsaw and Coventry that
- were destroyed by Hitler's Fascist troops." In a fury, Blum
- lashed out at Ovinnikov, terming his statement "obscene" and
- taunting him for the Soviet Union's use of "humanitarian tanks"
- in subjugating the peoples of Afghanistan, Hungary and
- Czechoslovakia.
- </p>
- <p> To the Israelis, it seemed that their tough policy in Lebanon
- had been altogether effective. Soon after the Sunday attack,
- they noted, the P.L.O. made two important concessions. First,
- the leaders dropped their demand that an international force be
- in place in West Beirut before their organization moved out. The
- P.L.O. does not want to depart through a cordon of Israeli
- forces. Said one U.S. expert: "If the choice is between
- martyrdom and walking out through Israeli lines, they [the
- P.L.O.] will stay and fight." Second, the guerrillas said they
- would no longer insist that Israel complete a minimal withdrawal
- of its own forces before the evacuation begins.
- </p>
- <p> On Thursday, the P.L.O. forwarded a new set of proposals,
- including a timetable for leaving Beirut, to Lebanese Prime
- Minister Chafik Wazzan. Despite the effects of the Israeli
- bombardment, Wazzan managed to deliver the proposals to Habib,
- who in turn passed them on to Jerusalem. The working plan
- reportedly involved a 14-day period for the withdrawal. On the
- first day, the 6,000 guerrillas in West Beirut would pull back
- to refugee camps and be replaced by an international
- peace-keeping force, including troops from the U.S. and other
- countries. In the next three days, Palestinians bound for Jordan
- and Iraq would travel by bus or truck to the Bekaa Valley. From
- there they would proceed by road to Amman or by air to Baghdad.
- After that, the Palestinians heading for Egypt and perhaps other
- Arab countries would depart by air or sea. During the second
- week, the last of the guerrillas in West Beirut would leave by
- road for Damascus. The P.L.O. leaders would stay until the end
- to oversee the withdrawal. An alternate plan calls for the first
- group of Palestinians to be evacuated from Beirut aboard a
- French ship to the Egyptian port of Alexandria and the Jordanian
- port of Aqaba.
- </p>
- <p> All told, the withdrawal would affect not only the 6,000 P.L.O.
- fighters in West Beirut but most of the other 20,000 elsewhere
- in Lebanon. Jordan has reportedly agreed to take some 5,000
- members of the P.L.O. who currently hold Jordanian passports.
- Egypt is said to be ready to take about 3,000 including the
- P.L.O. leadership, but is asking the U.S. to convene a
- conference on Palestinian rights as part of the deal. Cairo
- would presumably be the best headquarters for the P.L.O. since
- it has traditionally served as a base for Arab liberation
- movements. Besides, the Egyptian capital has more than 100
- diplomatic missions with which the P.L.O. could keep in
- contact. Other P.L.O. guerrilla contingents may be sent to
- Syria, Iraq and Sudan, and a small group is likely to be left
- behind in Lebanon.
- </p>
- <p> By week's end there were reports from both Beirut and Cairo that
- an agreement was in sight, and that the evacuation of the P.L.O.
- from Lebanon might begin within a few days. Possibly so, but a
- great deal still depended on how the Israeli government viewed
- the latest proposals, and how determined the U.S. was to press
- them on the Israelis.
- </p>
- <p> All week long, world opinion had called upon the Israelis to
- ease up on West Beirut, with little practical effect. "We see
- the same pictures on television that you are seeing," a British
- government official told an American in London, "and we feel the
- same as you. Something must be done to stop it." In Rome, the
- Italian government complained of the "serious violations of the
- cease-fire" committed by the Israelis and firmly condemned "the
- repeated recourse to force." In Paris, a Quai d'Orsay spokesman
- suggested that France might support economic and diplomatic
- sanctions against Israel for refusing to comply with the U.N.
- resolutions calling for a stop to the fighting.
- </p>
- <p> In Bonn, the West German government condemned Israel's march
- into Lebanon as a "flagrant violation of international law."
- After the assault on West Beirut, a government spokesman
- deplored "the heavy burdens and perils of the Lebanese people,
- whose sufferings cannot leave anyone unconcerned." Theo Sommer,
- co-publisher of Die Zeit, reflected on whether Germans, with
- their Nazi past, had a right to speak out against "the horrors
- of the Begin present." He concluded, "Even Germans can bluntly
- say, `Begin's Lebanon war is unnecessary, it is inhuman, and
- ultimately it will bring about the exact opposite of what was
- originally intended.'"
- </p>
- <p> In the face of such outspoken criticism, the majority of
- Israelis still supported their government's policies.
- Nonetheless, the small but articulate domestic opposition to the
- war, led by the Peace Now movement, staged a highly visible
- protest last week while Begin was holding a special Cabinet
- meeting. Some 2,000 demonstrators paraded outside Begin's office
- building Thursday evening, chanting, "Peace yes! Sharon no!"
- Among the demonstrators were the Israeli novelist Amos Oz and
- former chief education officer of the Israeli Defense Forces,
- Mordechai Bar-On.
- </p>
- <p> Other well-respected Israelis have also strongly opposed the
- Beirut siege. Abba Eban, the former Foreign Minister and onetime
- Ambassador to the U.S., declared in the Jerusalem Post: "This
- war is already on the way to becoming the most traumatic of all
- the Israeli experiences...These weeks have been a dark age in
- the moral history of the Jewish people."
- </p>
- <p> In the meantime, the political bureau of the opposition Labor
- Party passed a resolution "unequivocally opposing any military
- entry into Beirut as well as any military action geared to
- facilitating such an entry." The resolution reflected a
- decision by Labor to oppose the war openly, after several weeks
- of vacillation. Writing in the New York Times. Labor Party
- Leader Shimon Peres lamented "the erosion of the image of Israel
- as a result of artillery fire filmed by the world's television
- networks." He questioned whether the military gains were worth
- the price they had cost his country in lost prestige.
- </p>
- <p> Terrible as it has been, the devastation of West Beirut seems
- to be a prelude to political settlement. The P.L.O. is committed
- to withdrawal; it has no choice. From its new headquarters, in
- Cairo or elsewhere, the organization will have reduced military
- power, but it will still receive support from the Saudis and the
- other gulf states, which have long backed Arafat and his
- Al-Fatah organization. In time, the P.L.O.'s political and
- diplomatic influence may well increase.
- </p>
- <p> What is equally obvious is that, whatever the fate of the
- P.L.O., the problem of the Palestinians will not disappear. It
- has been present since the founding of Israel in 1948 and has
- been growing in intensity since Israel occupied the West Bank
- and the Gaza Strip during the Six-Day War of 1967. The Camp
- David accords promised "autonomy" to the Palestinians, though
- Begin and Sharon often seem more imbued with the idea of
- annexation. To many Israelis, the thought of incorporating 1.3
- million Arabs in a demographic nightmare for a country whose
- current population already includes 640,000 Israeli Arabs along
- with 3.3 million Jews. Largely for this reason. Opposition
- Leader Peres advocates negotiations among Israel, Jordan and the
- Palestinians (but not the P.L.O.) that would lead to the
- establishment of a Jordanian-Palestinian state. This he
- believes would not only resolve the Palestinian problem but
- assure the survival of Israel as "a Jewish, democratic state
- that does not aspire to rule another people."
- </p>
- <p> The great irony of the invasion of Lebanon, and of the assault
- on West Beirut last week, is that the military victories may
- ultimately make Israeli security more uncertain. No Arab nation,
- or combination of Arab nations, can stand up to Israel on the
- battlefield. The popular frustration bred by this fact
- undermines governments and encourages the growth of radical
- groups that are implacably opposed to Israel's existence. Every
- time Israel tries to impose its will on the Arabs, its actions
- serve to unsettle the entire region. Many Arab governments may
- feel that the P.L.O. is a disruptive force that could harm them,
- but Palestine itself remains close to the heart of the Arab
- nations.
- </p>
- <p> In its efforts to help bring stability to the Middle East, the
- U.S. must fine a solution to the Palestinian issue on terms
- acceptable not merely to Israel but to the bulk of the Arab
- world as well. Israel's security can be maintained without
- thwarting the Palestinian drive for self-determination. The
- Israelis tend to equate this drive with "terrorism." But
- terrorism is only the ugly and dangerous symptom of the
- underlying issue of Palestinian autonomy that the West has
- faced up to only rarely in the past 34 years.
- </p>
- <p>-- By William E. Smith. Reported by David Aikman/Jerusalem and
- William Stewart/Beirut
- </p>
- <p>View from the Guns
- </p>
- <p> As the Israelis attacked West Beirut on Wednesday, TIME
- Jerusalem Bureau Chief David Aikman watched from the
- seventh-floor balcony of the Hotel Alexandre in East Beirut and
- then visited Israeli positions in various sections of the city.
- His report:
- </p>
- <p> At around 2 a.m. Wednesday, loudspeakers on Israeli vehicles
- boomed warnings to Palestine Liberation Organization soldiers
- only a few hundred meters away: "This is the big thing. The
- planes will come in about 90 minutes." By dawn the artillery
- exchanges had become so fierce that it was dangerous for us to
- stay in so exposed a position at the Hotel Alexandre.
- Palestinian mortars and 130-mm shells exploded near by, sending
- shards of steel shrapnel onto the hotel roof.
- </p>
- <p> Away in the hills behind the southern Beirut suburb of Baabda,
- the boom of Israeli heavy artillery was sending shells whistling
- into the area of the Hippodrome and the park called the
- 1,001-Pine Forest. This huge region is riddled with P.L.O.
- bunkers and tunnels, and houses several Katyusha rocket
- launchers and fieldpieces. In response, P.L.O. Katyushas came
- crashing down on suspected Israeli positions in East Beirut.
- Fires flared up along the skyline, competing with the flashes
- and sparks of the artillery. The noise level became stupendous:
- the whoosh-whoosh of the Katyushas, the brazen bark of the
- tanks, the gossipy chatter of machine guns.
- </p>
- <p> At 4:30 a.m. there was an unexpected lull. Again the Israeli
- loudspeakers bellowed in Arabic, "Don't be afraid. Go where we
- told you to. Leave your houses." This was evidently addressed
- to West Beirut civilians. But if anyone had been far enough
- aboveground to hear the exhortation, he or she could hardly have
- complied: anything waving a finger in the 60-meter-wide alley
- at the so-called museum crossing would have been killed
- instantly. Amid all this, roosters began to crow.
- </p>
- <p> As daylight spread across the urban battlefield, the fires died
- down over West Beirut, but huge columns of smoke in amazingly
- varied tints of white, gray and black roiled skyward. The
- shelling continued, moving forward into West Beirut just ahead
- of the advancing Israeli troops.
- </p>
- <p> In Baabda, tank and heavy artillery shells were slashing into
- P.L.O. positions in the huts and deserted buildings near the
- edge of the Burj al Barajneh refugee camp. "In many places we
- were in the open," explained an Israeli briefing officer. "For
- that reason we had to improve our position." The "improvement"
- involved firing volleys of artillery and Soviet-built BM-21
- rockets captured from the P.L.O.
- </p>
- <p> In the no man's land of the museum crossing, a group of
- exhausted Israeli soldiers were sprawled in sleep on the patio
- of an elegant apartment house. Others wearing helmets and flak
- jackets waited patiently in a few lined-up tanks and armored
- personnel carriers. Machine gun, tank and mortar fire were
- crashing back and forth down the Avenue Abdallah Yafi. Wandering
- pensively behind two tanks, Bruce, 23, a Brooklyn-born yeshiva
- student, was clutching a Hebrew Bible in one hand and a rifle
- in the other. "I back the government 100%, he said. We've
- suffered so much from the terrorists for years. I feel we have
- no choice but to do this."
- </p>
- <p> A bulldozer was brought up from the rear to build earthen
- protective ramparts for tanks. As an Israeli infantry squad ran
- to provide covering fire, the great diesel engine snarled into
- acceleration and the bulldozer disappeared around the corner of
- sandbags. Three minutes later it was back, its task
- accomplished. There was a cheer from the soldiers, but the youth
- at the wheel concentrated wholly on maneuvering the cumbersome
- machine back into the alley. Near by, an Israeli senior officer
- gave his impression of the fighting. "We don't want to give up
- at this point," he said. "I must say, the P.L.O. does fight. But
- we are squeezing them, and we can see that they are going to
- break."
- </p>
- <p> At 5:40 p.m. the Israelis launched a bombing raid that went on
- for more than an hour. Watching from a balcony of the Alexandre,
- we could see the planes roar in one by one, releasing flares to
- deflect enemy SA-7 missiles. As the bombs landed, they caused
- a great splash of gray smoke over the honeycombed 1,001-Pine
- Forest and the Hippodrome.
- </p>
- <p> In a terrifying way the roar of the aircraft, the popping
- flares, the symmetry of the bombs' impact, all had a sort of
- grim, choreographed beauty. As darkness finally descended, the
- bombing stopped and even the shelling eased off. We did not know
- what had brought on this unofficial, though doubtless temporary
- cease-fire. Yet it seemed to stand for something: unannounced
- but very welcome.
- </p>
- <p>View from the Target
- </p>
- <p> While Aikman witnessed the assault from Israeli lines, TIME
- Middle East Bureau Chief William Stewart discovered what it was
- like to be the target of concentrated firepower from land, sea
- and air. He was often less than 2 1/2 miles away from Aikman,
- and constantly in mortal danger. Stewart's report:
- </p>
- <p> The memory begins to play tricks. It is difficult to remember
- when one day's shelling ended and another began. I reassure
- myself by consulting the papers. On Sunday I am the only one in
- the apartment house. A week earlier it had taken a direct hit,
- and although I was away, I felt vulnerable as never before. At
- 4 a.m. the shelling begins. I twist and turn in bed, wondering
- whether or not to get up. I am really only afraid of shells from
- the sea, but they are shooting from the sea. I decide to get
- dressed and go downstairs. Abu Ali, the Palestinian concierge,
- is already up.
- </p>
- <p> Later in the morning TIME's Abu Said Abu Rish, Photographer Rudi
- Frey and I set out on a tour. So far the bombs and shells have
- been confined to known Palestinian areas. They have not struck
- the commercial heart of West Beirut. We drive to the Carlton
- Hotel, atop a hill in once fashionable Raouche, gently argue our
- way past the guerrillas guarding the building and climb 14
- floors to look over toward the airport, Sports City and the
- wealthy district called Ramlet al Baida.
- </p>
- <p> Never before had the fighting been this close. Out at sea
- Israeli gunboats train their sights on the coastline. Abu Said
- and I peer around a wall to watch Israeli jets drop cluster
- bombs on Ramlet al Baida. As each falls on the boulevard, there
- is a shower of small explosions. As the bombardment grows we
- decide to leave, making our way past the guerrillas who are
- hidden in the concrete corridors and recesses of the buildings,
- stumbling over them in the dark, making foolish excuses in
- English and Arabic.
- </p>
- <p> A few hours later Frey points to a white speck in the sky, and
- I watch an Israeli pilot float gently to the ground. For a few
- minutes it looks as if he is going to land in the foothills,
- where he would be picked up by his own people. Then I see the
- pilot disappear into the city.
- </p>
- <p> Just before 5 p.m. there is a barrage of artillery fire so
- fierce, so extensive, so positively horrifying in its intensity
- that Frey and I are stunned into silence. Building after
- building comes crashing down. Great flashes of fire light up the
- sky. A crescendo of noise like some dreadful thunder rolls
- across the sky.
- </p>
- <p> The building we are on comes under fire. A shell whistles
- overhead as we rush inside. The building shakes as each shell
- finds its target. Another shell crashes with an earsplitting
- sound into the parking lot below. We race down the steps, floor
- after floor, afraid for our lives. This time there are no
- mumbled apologies as we push past the guerrillas. Once back in
- the hotel I have two quick Scotches.
- </p>
- <p> Early on Wednesday morning the ninth cease-fire is broken as
- Israeli armor attempts to move into West Beirut. To cover the
- advance, Israeli artillery and ships drop shells everywhere. Not
- a single area escapes untouched: for the first time Hamra, the
- heart of the commercial area, comes under sustained and heavy
- shelling.
- </p>
- <p> In a momentary lull, Abu Said, Frey and I drive quickly to my
- apartment and to TIME's office to check for damage. As we are
- climbing the stairs to my apartment the shells start coming in
- again from the gunboats. We are trapped in the stairwell for
- five minutes or so as the building shakes. Then we rush over to
- the TIME office, which is something like a bunker, since it is
- on the ground floor and set into a hillside. For the next half
- an hour we sit and drink warm beer and listen to the shells
- whistling overhead.
- </p>
- <p> When the shelling stops we run for the car and speed to the
- Commodore Hotel. But even the Commodore has taken a direct hit,
- destroying Room 617. My room was 605, so I move downstairs.
- Coco, the hotel parrot, is beside himself with rage at poolside,
- and keeps whistling the opening bars of Beethoven's Fifth
- Symphony. Coco is also particularly good at imitating the sound
- of incoming artillery rounds, and does so to the intense
- annoyance of everyone.
- </p>
- <p> Since the attacks began on Sunday there has been a remarkable
- transformation of opinion in this beleaguered city. Instead of
- desperately wanting the P.L.O. to leave in order to avoid
- further bloodshed, Lebanese civilians we talked to all over West
- Beirut now want to see Israel defeated. The Israeli attacks were
- directed not just against Palestinian military positions but at
- hospitals, schools, apartment houses, government offices and
- shipping centers. Everything became a target, and so did the
- people of West Beirut in what has become known as "the great
- siege."</p>
- </body>
- </article>
- </text>